Anna Zalik is Professor in the Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change at York University where she teaches in the areas of Global Geography, Political Ecology, Agrarian Studies and Critical Development Studies. Her research, in conjunction with colleagues and community organizations, examines and critiques the political ecology and political economy of industrial extraction, with a focus on the merging of corporate security and social welfare interventions in strategic exporters. She has received SSHRC funding for her research on topics related to the political economy of hydrocarbons, substantive industrial transparency, and the contested regulation of extractive industries in oceans beyond national jurisdiction. Emerging from this work and informed by critiques of capitalism and persistent colonialism/imperialism, her current projects center on Canadian investment in the denationalization of the Mexican energy sector and financial risk in new extractive frontiers in the global oceans/seabed beyond national jurisdiction. She has given invited presentations at various universities internationally, among them the UNAM, Mexico City, the Peace Research Institute – Oslo, and the University of Chicago Human Rights Centre. In 2014, she was the invited keynote speaker to the AAG Energy and Environment specialty group. From 2005-7 she was a Ciriacy-Wantrup Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California at Berkeley. She is appointed to the graduate programs in Environmental Studies, Geography and Politics at York University.